Über das geplante Stück „Künstlerleben“ von Weber


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Von Weber. – From the statement of Weber’s confidential friend who accompanied him to England, he has left no works of moment in manuscript, excepting one which has long been anxiously looked for in Germany. The title of this work was to have been „Künstlerleben“ (Life of Artists), and one of its main objects was a narration of the principal incidents of his own life, interspersed with remarks on the great musical works and greatest composers of past and modern times, &c. Certain it is, that he has been long employed on this work, and that he was in the habit of keeping a regular jour | nal, which, it is supposed, chiefly related to it. He was one of those very few German musicians, who were as good authors as they were composers; and his frequent contributions, both to the Leipzig Musical Gazette, and subsequently to the establishment of the German Opera at Dresden, to the Abendzeitung (evening paper) of that capital, he was well trained and skilled for a production of the kind we have mentioned. It was first announced in 1820, in Brockhaus’s well-known Encyclopædia; and as Weber furnished Brockhaus with materials for the sketch of his life, he must himself have given the first notice of it.



Über das geplante Stück „Künstlerleben“ von Weber



Jakob, Charlene


  • Textzeuge: The New Monthly Magazine And Literary Journal, Bd. 18, Nr. 67 (1. Juli 1826), S. 287–288


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