Milton, John


Basic data

  1. Polypragmaticus, Johannes Pen Names
  2. December 9, 1608 in London
  3. November 8, 1674 in London
  4. Dichter, Schriftsteller, Philosoph
  5. London


Portrait of John Milton (Source: Wikimedia)
Blue plaque on 1 Bread Street, London, commemorating Milton's birthplace (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of Milton at age 10 in Milton's Cottage, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, painted by Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen (Source: Wikimedia)
Commemorative blue plaque 'John Milton lived here 1632–1638' at Berkyn Manor Farm, Horton, Berkshire (Source: Wikimedia)
Title page of the 1644 edition of Areopagitica (Source: Wikimedia)
The back of no 19 York Street (1848). In 1651, Milton moved into a "pretty garden-house" in Petty France, Westminster. He lived there until the Restoration. Later it became No. 19 York Street, belonged to Jeremy Bentham, was occupied successively by James Mill and William Hazlitt, and finally was demolished in 1877.[38] (Source: Wikimedia)
Engraving by William Faithorne, 1670 (Source: Wikimedia)
Milton Dictates the Lost Paradise to His Three Daughters, ca. 1826, by Eugène Delacroix (Source: Wikimedia)
Title page of John Milton's 1644 edition of Areopagitica (Source: Wikimedia)
Title page of a 1752–1761 edition of "The Poetical Works of John Milton with Notes of Various Authors by Thomas Newton" printed by J. & R. Tonson in the Strand (Source: Wikimedia)
Frontispiece to Milton: A Poem in Two Books (Source: Wikimedia)
Milton is commemorated in the temple of British Worthies, Stowe, Buckinghamshire (Source: Wikimedia)
Bildnis des John Milton, Riedel, Karl Traugott - 1818/1832 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des John Milton, Mayer, Carl - 1817/1868 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des John Milton, Riedel, Karl Traugott - 1818/1832 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des John Milton, Mayer, Carl - 1839/1855 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des John Milton, Mayer, Carl - 1817/1868 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des John Milton, Houbraken, Jacobus - 1741 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnisse des John Milton, 1801/1875 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des John Milton, Riedel, Karl Traugott - 1818/1832 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des John Milton, Riedel, Karl Traugott - 1818/1832 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Milton, Johann Georg Sturm - 1757/1793 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)

Biographical information from the WeGA

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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