Humboldt, Alexander von


Basic data

  1. Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von
  2. September 14, 1769 in Berlin
  3. May 6, 1859 in Berlin
  4. Naturforscher, Geograph, Geheimrat
  5. Berlin


Portrait by Joseph Karl Stieler (1843) (Source: Wikimedia)
The Tegel Palace, Berlin, where Alexander and his brother Wilhelm lived for several years (Source: Wikimedia)
Schiller, Wilhelm, and Alexander von Humboldt with Goethe in Jena (Source: Wikimedia)
Alexander von Humboldt's Latin American expedition (Source: Wikimedia)
Charles IV of Spain who authorized Humboldt's travels and research in Spanish America (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of Alexander von Humboldt by Friedrich Georg Weitsch, 1806 (Source: Wikimedia)
Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland were in the Amazon rainforest by the Casiquiare River, with their scientific instruments, which enabled them to take many types of accurate measurements throughout their five-year journey. Oil painting by Eduard Ender, 1856. Humboldt did not like the painting as the instruments depicted were inaccurate.[51] (Source: Wikimedia)
Map of the Cassiquiare canal based on Humboldt's 1799 observations (Source: Wikimedia)
Humboldt botanical drawing published in his work on Cuba (Source: Wikimedia)
Humboldt and his fellow scientist Aimé Bonpland near the foot of the Chimborazo volcano, painting by Friedrich Georg Weitsch (1810) (Source: Wikimedia)
Silver mining complex of La Valenciana, Guanajuato, Mexico (Source: Wikimedia)
Basalt prisms at Santa María Regla, Mexico by Alexander von Humboldt, published in Vue des Cordillères et monuments des peuples indigènes de l'Amérique (Source: Wikimedia)
Aztec calendar stone (Source: Wikimedia)
Dresden Codex, later identified as a Maya manuscript, published in part by Humboldt in 1810 (Source: Wikimedia)
1804 map of the Louisiana Territory. Jefferson and his cabinet sought information from Humboldt when he visited Washington, D.C., about Spain's territory in Mexico, now bordering the U.S. (Source: Wikimedia)
Humboldt depicted by American artist Charles Willson Peale, 1805, who met Humboldt when he visited the U.S. in 1804 (Source: Wikimedia)
Humboldt's Naturgemälde, also known as the Chimborazo Map, is his depiction of the volcanoes Chimborazo and Cotopaxi in cross section, with detailed information about plant geography. The illustration was published in The Geography of Plants, 1807, in a large format (54 cm x 84 cm). Largely used for global warming analyses, this map depicts in fact the vegetation of another volcano: the Antisana.[101] (Source: Wikimedia)
Isothermal map of the world using Humboldt's data by William Channing Woodbridge (Source: Wikimedia)
Humboldt's depiction of an Andean condor, an example of his detailed drawing (Source: Wikimedia)
Humboldt in Berlin 1807 (Source: Wikimedia)
Memorial plaque, Alexander von Humboldt, Karolinenstraße 19, Berlin-Tegel, Germany (Source: Wikimedia)
Map of Humboldt's expedition to Russia in 1829 (Source: Wikimedia)
1959 postage stamp from the Soviet Union (Source: Wikimedia)
Photograph of Humboldt in his later years (Source: Wikimedia)
First page of the table of contents to volume 1 of "Cosmos," translated by Elise Otté (1849) (Source: Wikimedia)
Muisca numerals as noted by Humboldt (Source: Wikimedia)
Humboldt, portrait by Henry William Pickersgill (1831) (Source: Wikimedia)
Frederic Edwin Church, The Heart of the Andes (1859) (Source: Wikimedia)
Humboldt's seal on a private letter (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of Humboldt by Julius Schrader, 1859. Metropolitan Museum of Art (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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