Maria Josepha Amalia, Königin von Spanien


Basic data

  1. Maria Josepha Amalia, Prinzessin von Sachsen Birth Name
  2. December 6, 1803 in Dresden
  3. May 17, 1829 in Aranjuez
  4. Dresden, Spanien


(Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of María Amalia of Saxony, by Vicente López Portaña. Maria is seen wearing the band and cross of the Order of Noble Ladies of Queen Maria Luisa. The style of the portrait and the mature appearance of the queen have led some authors to affirm that it must have been painted around 1828, one year before the death of the sovereign, and when she was 23 years old. (Source: Wikimedia)
Bildnis der Maria Josepha Amalia, Koenigin von Spanien, Rensch, Friedrich - 1819/1850 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis der Königin Maria Josepha Amalia von Spanien, um 1829 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Maria Josefa, Prinzessin von Sachsen,  (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)

Biographical information from the WeGA





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