Wellesley, Arthur 1. Duke of Wellington


Basic data

  1. May 1, 1769 in Dublin
  2. September 14, 1852 in Walmer Castle bei Deal, Kent
  3. Feldmarschall, Politiker


Portrait, c. 1815–16 (Source: Wikimedia)
Wellesley spent much of his early childhood at his family's ancestral home, Dangan Castle in County Meath, Ireland (engraving, 1842). (Source: Wikimedia)
Beginning in 1787, Wellesley served at Dublin Castle (pictured) as aide-de-camp to two successive Lords Lieutenant of Ireland (Source: Wikimedia)
Wellesley as Lieutenant Colonel, aged c. 26, in the 33rd Regiment. Portrait by John Hoppner. (Source: Wikimedia)
Wellesley in India, wearing his major-general's uniform. Portrait by Robert Home, 1804. (Source: Wikimedia)
Arthur Wellesley (mounted) at the Battle of Assaye (engraving after William Heath). Wellesley later remarked that it was his greatest victory.[86] (Source: Wikimedia)
Major-General Wellesley meeting with Nawab Azim-ud-Daula, 1805 (Source: Wikimedia)
Reenactors of the 33rd Regiment of Foot Wellington's Redcoats who fought in the Napoleonic Wars, 1812–1815, here showing the standard line 8th Company (Source: Wikimedia)
Wellington at the Battle of Salamanca (engraving after William Heath) (Source: Wikimedia)
The Duke of Wellington by Francisco Goya, 1812–14 (Source: Wikimedia)
Wellington (far left) alongside Metternich, Talleyrand and other European diplomats at the Congress of Vienna, 1815 (engraving after Jean-Baptiste Isabey) (Source: Wikimedia)
Engraving of Wellesley by William Say after Thomas Phillips (Source: Wikimedia)
Wellington at Waterloo, by Robert Alexander Hillingford (Source: Wikimedia)
The Grenadiers à Cheval. Napoleon can be seen in the background on a grey horse. A number of different mounts could have been ridden by Napoleon at Waterloo: Ali, Crebère, Désirée, Jaffa, Marie, and Tauris.[161] (Source: Wikimedia)
The storming of La Haye Sainte, by Richard Knötel (Source: Wikimedia)
Wellington at the battle of Waterloo (Source: Wikimedia)
British 10th Hussars of Vivian's Brigade (red shakos – blue uniforms) attacking mixed French troops, including a square of Guard grenadiers (left, middle distance) in the final stages of the battle (Source: Wikimedia)
Wellington at the battle of Waterloo. Detail of The Battle of Waterloo by Jan Willem Pieneman, 1824. (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of the Duke of Wellington by John Jackson, 1830–31 (Source: Wikimedia)
A satirical cartoon attacking the Duke of Wellington, then prime minister, for the passage in April 1829 of the Roman Catholic Relief Act (Source: Wikimedia)
Medal depicting the Duke of Wellington by Benedetto Pistrucci (Source: Wikimedia)
Daguerreotype by Antoine Claudet depicting an elderly Wellington (1844) (Source: Wikimedia)
Wellesley's funeral procession passing Wellington Arch and Apsley House (Source: Wikimedia)
Wellington's tomb, in St Paul's Cathedral, London (Source: Wikimedia)
A bronze statue of Wellington by Carlo Marochetti in Woodhouse Moor, Leeds. (Source: Wikimedia)
The Duke of Wellington, c. 1850 (Source: Wikimedia)
Plaster model, located at the Victoria and Albert Museum, of the 'Valour and Cowardice' motif used in the memorial to Wellington at St. Paul's Cathedral (Source: Wikimedia)
The Iron Duke in bronze - Sir John Steell's equestrian statue of the Duke of Wellington (Source: Wikimedia)
Bildnis des Arthur Wellesley of Wellington, unbekannter Künstler - 1811/1845 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Wellington, Ernst Ludwig Riepenhausen - 1815/1840 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)

Biographical information from the WeGA

Herausragender britischer Militärführer der napoleonischen Zeit sowie britischer Außen- und Premierminister. Er siegte in der Schlacht bei Waterloo / Belle Alliance am 18. Juni 1815. Weber übersandte ihm ein Widmungsexemplar seiner Kantate Kampf und Sieg, die er aus Anlass dieses Sieges komponiert hatte.





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