## Title: Carl Maria von Weber an Sir Charles Kemble in London (Entwurf). Dresden, Mittwoch, 4. Januar 1826 ## Author: Weber, Carl Maria von ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042669 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ To Charles Kemble Esqre  Th: R: Coventgarden. London. My dear Sir! I thank you obligingly for the very good intentions which you display for me myself by your proposals with respect to the Oratorios. but, I am not forward enough with my Oberon, that hardly to hope to ending it for the time fixed, and that consequently I have no moment to loose in any other if I lose a moment in any other occupation. My health does not allows not to myself me  to travel in during the night. If I wish to be in London the first days of march, I must leave Dresden the the 15t of February the 15. What have I left? time remains to me, only Six weeks for my composition. which is very little time relatively to all my other occupations detainings. as I have still other occupations. my stay at Berlin – although brilliant as the success was – was yet troublesome for me according to this situation. I send to you with by this very Post the two first acts of — „Oberon“ exept the finale of the second act, which shall follow in a few days, and in this manner I will send you each piece which I shall have ended. Receive my dear Sir the repetition of my best thanks and believe me Your very sincere Friend CMvWeber. Dresde January 4th 1826.