## Title: Carl Maria von Weber an George Smart in London. Dresden, Mittwoch, 4. Januar 1826 ## Author: Weber, Carl Maria von ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042668 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ To Sir George Smart. No: 91. gt Portland St: Portland Place. London. My dear Sir! I cannot express enough the pleasure which has given meme has given me your Kind Kind letter, and the very good good intentions and friendshipand friendship which you express espress by it. to my sorrow, however, the circumstances do not allow meall do not allow me to accept the proposal of our honored friendfriend honored friend, Mr Kemble, and the easy manner with which your goodness has made it so alluring for me. but, I shall be happy enough, when I can arrive in London the first days of march, with the ended Oberon in my pockethands my pocket. With gratitude I acknowledge your repeated invitation to come repeated invitation to come in your house, and I consent gratefully to give you I consent gratefully to give you this burden, as it is as it is your will. Mrs Weber returns your compliments in the most friendlyfriendliest /: most friendly :/ way, and I am with sincere esteem and regard my dear Sir your most obedient Servant C: M: v: WeberCMvW:. DresdenDr: Jan: 4th 1826.