## Title: Carl Maria von Weber an Charles Kemble in London. Dresden, Mittwoch, 22. Juni 1825 ## Author: Weber, Carl Maria von ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042462 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Charles Kemble Esqr: Mannager of the Royal Theatre Coventgarden London My dear Sir! I must crave Your indulgence for the retarded answer to Your kind letter of the 16th of march. But I was at that at that time very ill, and though though I find myself a little better, I am however still always under the hands hands of the PhysiccianPhysician, who will send me perhaps to the Bath of EmsEmbs near to Frankfurt. with respect to your purposed remuneration for the music of „Oberon“ I do not do not doubt the the least, but you have thought it sufficiently liberal relatively to your practice practice in England respecting composers of music. whilest the man time that I am acknowledging this with thanks, I take take the liberty to make you other proposals, the reasons of which I do not state the […] reasons of which I do not state, because they will be surelythey are sufficiently /:hervorspringend:/they will be surely clear enough to your Discernment Discernment. At mym y arrival at London, I will first of all first of all preside aton at the Piano in Six representations of the „Freyschütz“. For the first five Representations For the first five former Representations you will give me for every night a pecuniary compensationFee /:pecuniary compensation:/ of two hundred PoundsPound Sterling, and the Sixth night night as a Benefitt for me. During this time, we shall prepare „Oberon“ and I will preside at at the Piano also the first Six first Six Representations of it on on the same conditions. Moreover moreover I must be assured, that all this be settled within three months at farthest, otherwise I should claim an adequate indemnification.within three months time at farthest otherwise I should claim an adequate indemnification. I can go to go to London in conformityin conformity of your wishes in March, Aprill or May 1826; if God be pleased. The music of „Oberon“ —is yours then Partition, and adapted by me for the Pianoforte — is then your Property forfor is then your Property for England, Scottland and Ireland. The Poeme and the music are mine for all the rest of Europe. I have received the 8th of this month the 8th of this month one hundred PoundsPound Sterling from London by Mr Bassengeby Mr Bassenge from London. And the 17th a letter of of Mr Simrok at at Bonn, who wrote me, that Mr Livius in London demands „Euryanthe“, and that the latter has engaged you my dear Sir, to send me the namend Sum on account on account. I will consequentely not retard to sendthe to send the „Euryanthe“ to Mr Simrock for you. Mr Livius has had the goodness, during his presence at Dresden, to call upon me very often, and also to also to allow me to let him have a copy of „Abu Hassan“ and other Works of mine, donedone for my own monney. He hashas me promised me great advantages in England through through his influence, | but, till now, I have only heard that „Abu Hassan“ pp has been performed — — — as to the rest I do not doubt at thethe least that He has the best intentions intentions for me, and that he will convince me of […] it surely by and by by and by. yet Already in one of my former letters I have had the honor to ask you if the Opera „Silvana“ requiredrequired by Mr Beral, were for Coventgarden?. Now, at the personal acquaintance of this politepolite young gentleman, He has repeated his demand, and I will give him „Silvana“ if you dodo not […] tell […] me the contrary. In general however, let me pronounce the wish, that we may have henceforth our intercourse without undermeddling.In generally however, let me pronounce the wish, that we may have henceforth our intercourse together without undermedling. Mr Beral give give me hopes that you may come perhaps to the continent during this Summerduring this summer. It would render me very happy totoo see you sooner than in England; and for this reason I shall send you word as soon as my physician shallshall persist in in his Idea to send me to EmsEmbs where I shall be a good deal nearer you than at Dresden. Accept my dear Sir the assuranceassurance of the highest regard and esteem of your your most faithful Servant CMvonWeberCMvW. Dresden 22 of June 1825. If going to Ems, I shall be there in the middle of July July.