## Title: Carl Maria von Weber an Charles Kemble in London. Dresden, Donnerstag, 6. Januar 1825 ## Author: Weber, Carl Maria von ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042418 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Charles Kemble. Esqr. Mannager of the Royal-Theatre Coventgarden London Sir! I habe received Your Kind letter and the first Act of Oberon with great pleasure. But: — it is too late, — and seems impossible to me to finish such a work for for the next Season. The the more so as so as I have only the first Act without without a plan of the whole. Before I not know the extentextent and the character of all the pieces musical pieces, I can calculate neither the encrease encrease of the effects, nor the complection of each individual complection of each individual piece. Without the surwey ofsure surwey of the whole, my phantasy can not possiblynot possibly develop itselfitself, or be chained down to down to minutes. I [w]right this in the first in the first days of […] January. This month will certainly pass, ere I receive the other two acts. — At Easter You wish me in London with the new opera. — Easter falls upon the fourt[h] April. —[…] March would be lost be lost by the journey and the preparations for it. — what left have I left? what have I left? one month, or almost two when you me permit time which I can I can not even employ entierly employ entierly at this performance. Whether now under under these circumstances my presence in London can be advantageous; or whether it were notnot were not better to delay this undertakingall this enterprize undertaking till the Season of 1826: — all these questions only You Sir can solve. questions can only you Sir can reply for solve. Besides this, consider, dear Sir, that my personal arrival in London would wear off the edge of the interest of the public for a compositeur, who can not afford to bring along with him a new entertainment for its greedy ears. | I have have thought it my duty, to acquaint acquaint you immediately withwith my opinion. We can consol ourselves with its not beingconsolve ourselves with that it's not being our fault. Now I have yet to confite uponimplore […] confite upon Your Kindness for my weak weak english writing, and to assure You of the very esteem and friendship with whichwhich I have the honor to signtell me sign Sir! your mostmost obedient Servant Servant Charles Marie de Weber Dresden the 6t January 1825.