## Title: Sir George Smart an Max Maria von Weber in Dresden. London, Freitag, 29. November 1861 ## Author: Smart, Sir George ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A046972 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ To M. M. Baron von Weber – Dresden, Saxony. London, No. 103 Gt. Portland Street. 29 Nov., 1861 Dear Sir, I have had the pleasure to comply with your request in the letter with which you favored me, by sending this day a parcel to Mr. O. Gössell, Office 22 Moorgate Street, London, requesting that it may be forwarded to you at Dresden. I have given you some information relating to your late father and you will find a long account of him in Vol. 2 of Musical History, by George Hogarth, printed in London in 1838 – which I also send; there are some letters printed in this book furnished by myself and other persons, but I have not contributed any which ought not to be published for the reason assigned in my former letter to you; the letters from Madame Weber to me at page 176 and 180 in Hogarth’s book I considered that it was absolutely necessary to publish in vindication of Mr. C. Kemble and myself, for the same reason Mr. Fürstenau’s letter was published (see pages 177 and 178) as both Mr. C. Kemble and myself felt hurt at the remarks made in Germany. Amongst the papers you will receive, there is an allusion made to ₤ 30 – I sent to Dresden, being subscriptions in England towards the monument to the late C. M. von Weber, I understand this monument has been erected at Dresden, but not information of it has been given to me, this I much regret, as I have not been enabled to make any official communication to the subscribers. I was honored with an invitation (being a subscriber) to the inauguration of the monument to Beethoven at Bonn in 1845 – at which I was present; from the great esteem and regard I have to the memory of your father, and in consideration of his last days having been passed in my house, I should have been much gratified by an invitation to have joined in the just tribute to his worth and talents; I shall be much obliged by your giving me a description of this monument, and the ceremony at the Inauguration of it. When you have made the extracts from Hogarth’s book and my papers, I beg to return them all to me. Have the goodness to let me know when you have received the parcel from Mr. O. Gössell. Trusting that I shall have the pleasure of seeing you if you intend to visit London for the Great Exhibition next year, Believe me to be, dear Sir Yours very faithfully, George T. Smart