## Title: Sir George Smart an Carl Maria von Weber in Dresden. London, Freitag, 27. Januar 1826 ## Author: Smart, Sir George ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042646 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ London No 91 Great Portland Street January 27th 1826. My dear Sir, I received your welcome Letter yesterday, in reply to mine of Decr the 9th last — I much regret that we shall not see you in London so soon as I hoped, but with the greatest pleasure I officially communicate the following Proposal from our friend Mr C. Kemble, as your last Letters induce us to conclude you will certainly be in London the first days in March. I understand that Oberon is to be performed on March the 27th doubtless therefore you cannot be later; Our Six last Musical Performances during Lent in Covent Garden Theatre are on March 1st — 3rd — 8th — 10th — 15th — and 17th — I am desired by Mr C. Kemble to propose, and conclude, an engagement with you for all these dates, at Twenty Pounds (English Money) for each Night. — Now My dear Sir, suppose you can only accept Five of them, namely, March 3rd to the 17th You will thereby obtain one hundred Pounds, which will enable you to put two extra Horses to your Carriage to come the faster, and in my humble opinion you will finish Oberon with less trouble and more to your own satisfaction in London than elsewhere by having the advantage of hearing the abilities of the Performers, I am happy to acquaint you that our famous Tenor Singer, Mr Braham is engaged for your Opera — I refer you to My former Letter for what will be required of you at the above Performances, but think no further of this beyond putting 3 or 4 Partitions in your Portmanteau of any of your Compositions, we have many of yours quite ready, which will assume a novel feature when directed by yourself, therefore I beg you not to lose a moment in informing me of your determination by Post as that will travel faster than you probably will, and pray let me know the day of your departure, the Route you will take, and the probable time of your arrival in England, As Posting in England is very dear and travelling by the Public Coaches much the best plan, I suppose you will leave your Carriage at the Place you embark from, I advise this to be Calais, | as you will cross the Sea from Hence in about two Hours; when you land at Dover a number of Persons on the Beach will torment you to go to the different Hotels they recommend, but I recommend you to go to the Union Hotel at Dover. ask for the Commissioner at this Hotel, desire him to take you to the Office to enter your Name, which Foreigners must but this is a mere form, and tell this Commissioner to clear your Baggage at the Custom House, he will understand the phrase, you must give him your Keys for this purpose but all your Property will be safe the less you bring over the better, they will charge you at the Custom House a trifle per Pound weight for your Music and Reading Books, the amount the Commissioner will tell you and if you give Him 5 Shillings (English) extra after he has brought all your Baggage to the Hotel, he will be sufficiently paid, as soon as possible after you get your Baggage, secure an inside place in a Stage Coach to London (which the Master of the Hotel will do for you) it will cost about One Pound Eight Shillings and you will have to give in addition about 5 Shillings to the Coachman on the road, when you have secured this place be so good to write me a few lines from Dover by the Post, (which leaves Dover every Afternoon about 5) stating the name of the Coach, the time it leaves Dover and from what Hotel, the time it will arrive in London but most particularly the Hotel in London it will come to, for there I shall have the pleasure of meeting you, all this information you can obtain at the Coach Office at Dover. should any chance prevent our meeting on your arrival in London, you have only to order a Fiacre (called a Hackney Coach) to take you to my House, No 91 Great Portland Street, I think you will excuse my being thus particular in the consideration that I am anxious to save you some trouble in a strange Land, for I know by experience what that is; I am delighted that you intend to honor me with becoming my Guest pray tell Mrs Weber that I shall take every care of you, there shall be a Piano Forte in your Room for your exclusive use | if Mr Furstineau comes with you he can reside at a good Hotel close to my House, I regret that I have not a Room to offer him in my House. — Shall you bring a Servant with you? I do not think you will want one in London for I have two very good ones and we can find plenty of Persons who will walk about London and be happy in that pleasure with you, And now gratify me by coming to my House as soon and staying as long as you possibly can, but favor me with a reply to the foregoing by the very earliest opportunity. I am, my dear Sir, yours most faithfully, George Smart. To Mstr: C. M. von Weber. etc etc etc