Peter I., Zar und Großfürst von Russland


Basic data

  1. Peter der Große; Romanow, Pjotr Alexejewitsch Alternative Names
  2. June 9, 1672greg. in Moskau
  3. February 8, 1725greg. in St. Petersburg
  4. russischer Zar
  5. St. Petersburg, Moskau


(Source: Wikimedia)
Peter as a child (Source: Wikimedia)
Double throne in Kremlin Armoury. A large hole was cut in the back of the dual-seated throne used by Ivan and Peter. Sophia would sit behind the throne and listen as Peter conversed with nobles, while feeding him information and giving him responses to questions and problems (Source: Wikimedia)
Peter's ship, rigged with a sail and a mast with the help of Dutch carpenters (Source: Wikimedia)
Monument to Peter the Great in Kronstadt (Source: Wikimedia)
Europe in 1721 (in German) (Source: Wikimedia)
Capture of Azov, 1696, by Robert Ker Porter (Source: Wikimedia)
Abraham Storck: Spectacle on the Amstel river, August 1697 (Source: Wikimedia)
Fleet Manoeuvres Performed on the IJ on 1 September 1797 during Peter's Visit to Amsterdam, painting by Adam Silo (Hermitage) (Source: Wikimedia)
The frigate Pieter and Paul on the IJ while Peter stands on the small ship on the right. Painting by A. Storck. This ship sank on his second voyage. (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of Peter I by Godfrey Kneller, 1698. This portrait was Peter's gift to the King of England. (Source: Wikimedia)
Woolwich Dockyard in 1698: the recently erected Great Storehouse (centre-right) dominates the built environment of the dockyard. (Source: Wikimedia)
Vista through the Summer Garden towards the Summer Palace, 1716 (Source: Wikimedia)
Embankment of the Fontanka River, Laundry Bridge, Summer Palace of Peter I (Source: Wikimedia)
View of the Kunstkamera across the Neva (Source: Wikimedia)
Preobrazhensky Regiment with the Sukarev tower. (Source: Wikimedia)
Peter I of Russia pacifies his marauding troops after retaking Narva in 1704, by Nikolay Sauerweid, 1859 (Source: Wikimedia)
Interior of Peter's log cabin (Source: Wikimedia)
Peter the Great Meditating the Idea of Building St Petersburg at the Shore of the Baltic Sea, by Alexandre Benois, 1916 (Source: Wikimedia)
Peter I in the Battle of Poltava, a mosaic by Mikhail Lomonosov (Source: Wikimedia)
First Winter Palace by Alexey Zubov (Source: Wikimedia)
Tsar Peter the Great picks up the young King Louis XV (1717), painted around 1838 (Source: Wikimedia)
His small wooden palace in Strelna, designed by Le Blond around 1714, had a botanical garden (Source: Wikimedia)
Peter in 1717 by Carel de Moor (Source: Wikimedia)
Peter the Great's Assembly in 1718 by Stanisław Chlebowski (Source: Wikimedia)
Peter I being titulated as the emperor of Russia (1721) by Boris Chorikov (Source: Wikimedia)
Peter the Great on his deathbed, by Nikitin (Source: Wikimedia)
The 1782 statue of Peter I in Saint Petersburg, informally known as the Bronze Horseman. Saint Isaac's Cathedral is in the background. (Source: Wikimedia)
Peter the Great Interrogating the Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich at Peterhof, a painting by Nikolai Ge (1871) (Source: Wikimedia)
Peter the Great with a black page, by de:Gustav von Mardefeld, a Prussian diplomat, who attended the peace congress on Åland between 1717–1719.[101] (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

Von 1682 bis 1721 Zar und Großfürst von Russland; von 1721 bis 1725 erster Kaiser des Russischen Reichs





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