Friedrich Wilhelm Jähns to Charles John Hargitt in London
Berlin, Sunday, June 21, 1874

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Charles J. Hargitt



Thurloe Cottage

Thurloe Square.

Dear Sir

I hope you will pardon me in having delayed answering your Kind letter for such a time, I was however much occupied and not able to find time to answer it in a manner that was necessary.

I will answer everything according to order. I received the payment of £ 5. 5s all right and receipted the order to the postman who handed me the money. I will keep the English remark which you sent me for the second time as you desire, if I understand the passage rightly in your letter. -

I have subscribed in your name to the full scores of Oberon, Euryanthe and Freischütz, all together for 20 Thalers = £ 3. Oberon is not yet completely in print, however, it will be the case in a short time, then the three operas will be transmitted to you immediately. -

You enquire after an offertory of a mass from Weber in E. There is no mass from Weber in E, but there is one in the major key of E flat, also one in G major. The mass in the mejor key of E flat is magnificent, especially the Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Benedictus are beautiful. A score for the piano with words has not been printed, but I have arranged it à quatre mains for the piano. It was printed in Vienna at Haslinger. The mass with organ-accompaniment in the major Key of E flat appeared in London at Novelle (s6). It is not a good arrangement. - The offertory of this mass has not been printed at all. It commences with "Gloria"

NB [T. 1-2 Violine, Chor/Solo-Einsatz 4 Takte]

I however possess an autograph of it from Weber. It is a most brillant piece. Would you like a copy of the full score or of the score for the piano, if so, I will have a copy done for you and will send it you. - It is a piece of 88 bars in length.

I am most sincerely obliged to you for your kind intentions to have the Oberon pieces photographed for me, I shall be glad to have them. -

Relating to the autographs of Schubert, I can only repeat what I wrote the last time, that the of the same is beyond all doubt, des Kriegers Lied, also the Trio - die Advocaten." In order to ease your friend’s mind on that subject, I will write it on too slips of paper in English and German, which you can give your friend, if you like.

Relating to the facsimilies of Weber’s letters, I thin I have already written that I find them most excellent and well e...ed. I again thank for the same most heartily. - I will now say what is […]ssary on that subject.

The folowing pieces are directed to Rochlitz.

  • Berlin April 14th 1872. I possessed a copy of this letter but incomplete
  • Prague Sep. 11th 1815. (I possessed a complete copy of this.)
  • Gotha Nov 28th 1812. (This letter was quite new to me)
  • Prague July 30th 1813. (I already possessed this letter incomplete, your facsimile is also incomplete)
  • Prague Feb 4th a 18th 1816. (I possessed a complete copy of it.)
  • Hosterwitz July 24th 1818. (I possessed this letter but somewhat incomplete)
  • Article
    Composition on Weber’s “Victory’s-Cantata: Kampf und Sieg
    Weber sent this article to Rochlitz the editor of the Leipsic musical paper for that paper. The whole was written by a copist, Weber has only written a few words in that copy



bestätigt ihm den Erhalt der Bezahlung für Partituren von Oberon, Euryanthe u. Freischütz. Gibt Erläuterungen zu den beiden Messen u. dem Offertorium, bietet Kopie vom Autograph des letzteren an, gibt Kommentare zu den Briefen, die H. besitzt, darunter offensichtlich auch der Artikel über Kampf u. Sieg für die AMZ, an Rochlitz gerichtet, in Kopistenhand mit autographen Bemerkungen


I hope you will pardon me in having delayed


  • Text Source: London (GB), The British Library (GB-Lbl)
    Shelf mark: Add. MS. 47843, fol. 99–103

    Physical Description

    • 2 DBl. (4 b. S. u. Umschlag)
    • 1 Bl. Echtheitstestat für Schubert-Autographen

Text Constitution

  • illegible
  • “Composition”crossed out


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