## Title: Otto Leopold Freiherr von Ende an George Thomson in Edinburgh. Paris, Mittwoch, 1. März 1826 ## Author: Ende, Baron von ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042557 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ To George Thomson Esq Trustees office, Royal Exchange Edinburgh Paris, 1st March 1826 Dear Sir, I saw yesterday Mr. de Weber who, in his way to London made a short stay here. I asked him if he had received the letter in which you requested him to give you a receipt by which others could be prevented from publishing the Ritornelli and accompaniements he has written for you. He told me he had got your letter and written the receipt, which I send you enclosed. He gave it to a Gentleman in Dresden who neglected forwarding it and who lately returned it to him that he might take it to London. Mr. de Weber, who is to set out for London this day, intends writing you himself from thence, but as his time will be very much taken up during the first weeks of his stay there, he gave the receipt in question to me, that I might send it off directly, to prevent any further delay. He said that he had mentioned in it only England, Scotland and Ireland, as he thought this music would be published in Germany with German words, which could not hurt the sale of the Edinburgh Edition in Britain and that he would take care that it should not appear in Germany before you had published it. He therefore wishes to know when it will appear in Edinburgh. As to the four new tunes you have sent him, he told me he would set about to arrange them as soon as his time would allow of it. After leaving Edinburgh I remained with my mother only a fortnight in London and reached Paris on the 15th Novbr: We intend going home this Spring. Whenever Sir Walter Scott's portrait for which I have subscribed and left a Guinea with you is published you will oblige me very much by sending it by one of the Smacks to Hamburgh, directed to me, Care of Dufour brothers Hamburgh. My mother desires me to present her Compliments to you and we both wish to be remembered to all your family. We very often talk of the kindneß you have shown us during our stay in Edinburgh. If you should favour me with an answer I beg you to direct it to Paris, Poste restante. Believe me ever, dear Sir, yours most sincerely Ende