## Title: Wilhelm Heinrich Göschen an Sir George Smart in London. London, Samstag, 22. Juli 1826 ## Author: Göschen, Wilhelm Heinrich ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042578 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ My dear Sir! I am really obliged to you for sending me Mrs. von Weber’s letter for translation; it is a very sensible letter, expressive of good feeling, and in every respect highly satisfactory. My translation does not do justice to the Original, but it will convince you that your kindness, the great services which you have rendered to our lamented friend and to his family are properly appreciated by Mrs. von Weber, and I trust by everyone everywhere. You have a literal Translation of the letter at any rate, though not a good one. When will our poor good friend Fürstenau be able to return to his wife and Children. Indeed I am angry with their High and Mightinesses at Dresden for managing the thing in their way. Whenever you want me as Interpreter, send me word and I will attend, but please mention a convenient hour, for from 10 o’clock till 5 – I cannot very well be spared at the Counting house. I am respectfully Yours, H. Göschen. July 22, 1826.