## Title: Carl Maria von Weber an George Smart in London. Dresden, Montag, 6. Februar 1826 ## Author: Weber, Carl Maria von ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042685 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ To Sir George Smart. No: 91. Great Portland Street. Portland Place London. My dear Sir! I leave Dresde I leave Dresde the 16t February. I shallI shall sleep every night, — becausebecaused I am forbidden to travel by night, —and remain one Day at Frankfort, and hope to arrive at Paris the 25th February. There I must remain some days, and therefore I can not be in London, — embarking at Calais, —embarking me at Calais before the 5th or 6th of march. Consequentely I can only accept the fair offer of our honored friend Mr Kemble, than for thethe four last oratorios, the 8th–10th — 16t15 and 17t for which I hope Mr Kemble will accord me the round Summe of one hundred Pound Sterling. beyond all this however,however, I must entirely apply to youryour goodness, without that I would be a very helpless Beeingand in he as I am in all your costums in England as without that I would be a very helpless beeing.. but you prove yet already already by your kind letter and the very useful advices which you give me in it — for for which I can not bebe enough indebted to you, — that I can hope every aid by yourfrom by your my dear Friendship. Your letter shall be my directionregulative direction after which I regulate myself; and MssMs Weber is a great deal more tranquil tranquil, to see me in such hands in England, and looks upon looks upon it with h[e]artyharty thanks. I am not attended by a Servant, butNo Servant attends me I am not attended by a Servant, but Mr Fürstenau will come along with me. and I am very glad to know that he can reside near me me. Now The engagement of Mr. Braham is a very good news, and gives me great pleasure. If this letter goes goes so fast as yours, you can give me — if you think it neccessary — some news at Paris, where my direction is by by Maurice Schlesinger's. And now my dear Sir! I give you a h[e]arty shake hands and remain with all regard and esteem Yours most faithfully CMvWeberWeber. Dresden February the 6th 1826.