## Title: Carl Maria von Weber an Sir Charles Kemble in London (Entwurf). Dresden, Freitag, 27. Januar 1826 ## Author: Weber, Carl Maria von ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042679 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ To Charles Kemble. pp. My dear Sir! herewith I send you the Finale of the Second act. it requires a great care in the execution of it if it shall effectuade entirely. I hope you will be convinced that the choruses in our Oberon are a substantial part of the opera, and that therefore you will give me good Singers. as I can not have your answer here at Dresden, I would be delighted if you were so kind to write me a few lines at Paris, where | I hope to arrive in the last week of February. I should like to know if the Reharsals will begin very soon, and if the Opera will yet been performed on Easter-monday. My Adress in Paris is at Maurice Schlesinger's Marchand de Musique du Roi. Rue de Richelieu 97. with all my heart, I am sincerely Yuors CMvW: Dr: d. 27t Januar 1826.