## Title: Carl Maria von Weber an Barham Livius in London (Entwurf). Dresden, Sonntag, 18. September 1825 ## Author: Weber, Carl Maria von ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042507 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Barham Livius. Dorset cottage. Grosvenor Place. London. Sir! I have received in due time your honored Letter of July 21, at Ems. what shall I reply, after so varry different rapports representations, –nothing, than my hearty wish to find in all things the best side. – finally let us pass over that things past, and allow me to render you my thanks for the nice box which you have been so good to send me by Sir George Smart. The waters of Ems have proved effications to my health, and though my hoarsness and cold are not cured till now, yet the totality of my frame is much better. I wonder to learn by a letter of Mr: Hawes of the 28t July that you had not yet received at that time Euryanthe, which went from here in the first days of july. but I hope that it has been retarded only a few days more. I am with esteem Sir your most obedient Servant. vW: Dresden 18 September 1825