## Title: Carl Maria von Weber an James Robinson Planché in London. Dresden, Samstag, 19. Februar 1825 ## Author: Weber, Carl Maria von ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042426 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ J. R. Planché, Esqr 20. Brompton Crescent. in London My dear Sir! I have received the second act of Oberon the 18t January, and your the third act, and your very amiable letter, in one and the same Day, the 1t February. These two acts are also filled with filled with the greatest beauties greatest beauties. I embrace the whole in in love, and will endeavour, notnot to remain not behind you. ToTo this Acknowlegment of your work, you can giveyou can you give credit, the more, as as I must repeat that the cut of the whole is very foreign to to all my ideas and maxims. and well be unpracticable for all other theatres in Europe /: a very bad thing for me :/ the intermixing of so many principal actors many Per principal actors who dodoo not sing, the omission of the music in the most important moments, — all these things deprive the our Oberon of the title of an opera, and will makemake him unfit unfit for all other Theaters in Europe; which is a very bad thing for me. but — passons la dessus — You have so well construedtocken so well construed my first prayers; that I continue with proposals, in confidence to confidence to your Kindness. The Scene between between Sherasmin and Fatima in the 2 act; and the /: very pretty :/ Arietta of the latter, must necessarely be must necessarely be omitted; and the quartetto follow immediately. Also the ChorusChorus of the Pirates. But, the time whichwhich we gain gain thereby, we must open forwe must we spend for a Duetto betweenDuo between Huon and Reiza. The absence of this piece of music The absence of the piece of music […]piece would be very muchmuch regretted; and the Scene upon the desert shore, seems the most convenient place for it. though my musical heart sighs, that the first moment where where the loving pair find each-other each other, passes without music. but, — the opera appears too long already. — Now wish I yet, a mad mad Aria for Sherasmin, /: when he discover[s]find discovers the Horn; :/ in which Fatima's lamentations unitelamentations unites, and closecloses the scene with with a beautiful contrast. Oh!Oh Dear Sir! what would notnot we produce, if we were living in the same town. Still I beg leave to observe, that the composer looks more for looks more for the expression of feelings than the figurative. the former he mayhe may repeat and develop in all their graduations; but, verses, like „like the spot the tulip weareth“„Deep within its dewy urn“ or, in Huons Song Song, „like hopes that deceive us“ | „or false friends who leave us[“]„Soon as descendeth prosperit'ys Sun pp[“]must be said only once. must be said only once.You See, that I speak to to you, as to an old acquaintancelike as with an on old friend / with / to an old acquaintance, and I hope at least that you will consider it as so. Mr Kemble me has not honored meme with till now with an answer toan answering to my letter of of the 6t January. I conclude from from this, that he is convinced of the necessity to retard the opera, and that consequentely we have time to regulate our affair. The same reason has also withheld me from replying to hisme also withheld me from replying to his letter of the 4 January, which has crossed mine ofhas been crossed with that of mine of the 6 January. Yet, I must own the own the wish, to see to see this affair decided at last; because because all sort of uncertainty puzzles puzzles me, and disturbs me in workingin working. To speek sincerelyTo speek sincerely said, I do not unterstand do not understand why our honoredhonored Friend Mr Kemble hesitates hesitates to name name the sum which he can offer me. He knows what length he can go, to the credit of length he can go, to the credit of his country and Establishment. I can make no make no demand, but I would neither appearneither not appear neither appear indiscreet, nor suffer injury injury, the latter of which I have — but too frequently experianced too frequently experianced. Russia, Sweden, Poland, France, Scotland and England, have brought on the boards my performances without their beeing entitled to it, for my works have not been printed have been printed. And tho' I do not value and though I do not value money, to take notice of it, the world forces me at lastat last. Pardon, Dear Sir, that I am molesting which property spoken you with things youyou can not be interested ininterested in — but Poets and composers live together in aa Sort of angels-marriage which demands a a reciprocal trust trust. and now it is truelytruely time to end end my veryvery checkered Epistle. I am with the greatest esteem and regard Your most obedient Servant C. M. von Weber. Dresden, Februar the 19th 1825.