## Title: Carl Maria von Weber an James Robinson Planché in London. Dresden, Donnerstag, 6. Januar 1825 ## Author: Weber, Carl Maria von ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A042419 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ J: R: Planche Esqre [von fremder Hand ergänzt:] 20 Brompton Crescent London. Sir! I am most obliged to you for allall the kind things You are pleased to honour me withthe Kind things you are pleased to honour me with. I can only congratulate myselfcan me only but congratulate myself, to share in toils of an author who displaysto share in the toils of an author, who displays so much feeling and Geniusspirit / genius / in his fluent verses.[…]ooth. verses. The cut of an english opera is certainly very different from from a german oneone. — the english is more a Drama Drama with Songs. — but, in the first act of Oberon therethere is nothing that I could wish could wish to see changed; except excepted the finale. The chorus is conducted to its place, I think I think, rather forcibly rather forcibly, and can not exitethe can not errect exite the interesse of the public which is linked to linked to the Sentiment of the Reiza. I would wish consequantely for for some moremore verses — full, full of the greatest joy and hope — for Reiza; which I might unite migth unite with the Chorus, and and treat the latter as subordinate to latter as subordinate to Reiza's Sentiments. Pardon my making use of your condescendingPardon my making use of your condescending permission. I thank you obligin[g]lyobligingly for your goodness of of having translated the Verses in French. but it was not so necessary, becausebecause I am tho[ugh] yetthouyet a weak, however a diligent student student of the english language. I am with with esteem Sir Your most obedient Servant Ch. M: de Weber. Dresden the 6t January 1825. P: S: Being ignorant if the rest of Your opera has been sent already before the arrival of those letter I cannot but repeating You, that it is vastly intriming to get the sight of the whole as soon as possible.