## Title: James Robinson Planché an Albert Schloss in London. London, Dienstag, 13. April 1841 ## Author: Planché, James Robinson ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A047235 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ To Mr. Albert Schloss 12 Berners Street, Oxford Street Brompton Cresct., April 13th 1841 Dear Sir I regret that you cannot make use of the words of my opera of Oberon, with the German translation of it as it would of course be more gratifying to me than to have the mere literal meaning appended to Herr Theodore Hell's adaptation of my original work. With respect to the interesting letters written to me in English by my lamented friend, during the composition of my Opera, and of which I may be justly proud, they are at your service and I agree with you in believing that the fine feeling and acute criticism displayed in them will contribute to increase, if it be possible, the high estimation in which their amiable writer is held by the musical world. I should suggest their being printed precisely as they are written suppressing only such passages in the two last as relate to private individuals and circumstances unconnected with the Opera. I am Dear Sir Your obedient Servant, J. R. Planché