## Title: Friedrich Wilhelm Jähns an Charles John Hargitt in London. Berlin, Sonntag, 21. Juni 1874 ## Author: Jähns, Friedrich Wilhelm ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A043776 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Charles J. Hargitt Esquire. London Thurloe Cottage Thurloe Square. Berlin S. W. 24. Markgrafen Str. 21th June 1874 Dear Sir I hope you will pardon me in having delayed answering your Kind letter for such a time, I was however much occupied and not able to find time to answer it in a manner that was necessary. I will answer everything according to order. I received the payment of £ 5. 5s all right and receipted the order to the postman who handed me the money. I will keep the English remark which you sent me for the second time as you desire, if I understand the passage rightly in your letter. - I have subscribed in your name to the full scores of Oberon, Euryanthe and Freischütz, all together for 20 Thalers = £ 3. Oberon is not yet completely in print, however, it will be the case in a short time, then the three operas will be transmitted to you immediately. - You enquire after an offertory of a mass from Weber in E. There is no mass from Weber in E, but there is one in the major key of E flat, also one in G major. The mass in the mejor key of E flat is magnificent, especially the Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Benedictus are beautiful. A score for the piano with words has not been printed, but I have arranged it à quatre mains for the piano. It was printed in Vienna at Haslinger. The mass with organ-accompaniment in the major Key of E flat appeared in London at Novelle (s6). It is not a good arrangement. - The offertory of this mass has not been printed at all. It commences with "Gloria" NB [T. 1-2 Violine, Chor/Solo-Einsatz 4 Takte] I however possess an autograph of it from Weber. It is a most brillant piece. Would you like a copy of the full score or of the score for the piano, if so, I will have a copy done for you and will send it you. - It is a piece of 88 bars in length. I am most sincerely obliged to you for your kind intentions to have the Oberon pieces photographed for me, I shall be glad to have them. - Relating to the autographs of Schubert, I can only repeat what I wrote the last time, that the g...ss of the same is beyond all doubt, des Kriegers Lied, also the Trio - die Advocaten." In order to ease your friend's mind on that subject, I will write it on too slips of paper in English and German, which you can give your friend, if you like. Relating to the facsimilies of Weber's letters, I thin I have already written that I find them most excellent and well e...ed. I again thank for the same most heartily. - I will now say what is […]ssary on that subject. The folowing pieces are directed to Rochlitz. * Berlin April 14th 1872. I possessed a copy of this letter but incomplete * Prague Sep. 11th 1815. (I possessed a complete copy of this.) * Gotha Nov 28th 1812. (This letter was quite new to me) * Prague July 30th 1813. (I already possessed this letter incomplete, your facsimile is also incomplete) * Prague Feb 4th a 18th 1816. (I possessed a complete copy of it.) * Hosterwitz July 24th 1818. (I possessed this letter but somewhat incomplete) * Article #lb#Composition on Weber's „Victory's-Cantata: Kampf und Sieg“ #lb#Weber sent this article to Rochlitz the editor of the Leipsic musical paper for that paper. The whole was written by a copist, Weber has only written a few words in that copy